Die Datenbank der Rundfunk-Hörbestätigungen im Dokumentationsarchiv Funk
2. Wählen Sie das Land oder die Gruppe
NCG, Nicaragua NCL, Neukaledonien NFK, Norfolk Island NGR, Niger (Republic of the) NIG, Nigeria (Federal Republic of) NMB, Namibia (Republic of) NOR, Norway NPL, Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of) NRU, Nauru (Republic of) NZL, New Zealand
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Namibia (Republic of), NMB Nauru (Republic of), NRU Nepal (Federal Democratic Republic of), NPL Netherlands (Kingdom of the), HOL Netherlands Antilles, ATN Neukaledonien, NCL New Zealand, NZL Nicaragua, NCG Niger (Republic of the), NGR Nigeria (Federal Republic of), NIG Norfolk Island, NFK Northern Marianas, MRA Norway, NOR
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