Die Datenbank der Rundfunk-Hörbestätigungen im Dokumentationsarchiv Funk
2. Wählen Sie das Land oder die Gruppe
G, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GAB, Gabonese Republic GEO, Georgia GHA, Ghana GIB, Gibraltar GMB, Gambia (Republic of the) GNB, Guinea-Bissau (Republic of) GNE, Equatorial Guinea (Republic of) GRC, Greece GRD, Grenada GRL, Greenland GTM, Guatemala (Republic of) GUI, Guinea (Republic of) GUM, Guam GUY, Guyana
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Gabonese Republic, GAB Gambia (Republic of the), GMB Georgia, GEO Germany (Democratic Republic of), DDR Germany (Federal Republic of) - Varia/Relays, DC Germany (Federal Republic of) ARD, DARD Germany (Federal Republic of) DW, DLF, D Ghana, GHA Gibraltar, GIB Greece, GRC Greenland, GRL Grenada, GRD Guam, GUM Guatemala (Republic of), GTM Guinea (Republic of), GUI Guinea-Bissau (Republic of), GNB Guyana, GUY
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