Die Datenbank der Rundfunk-Hörbestätigungen im Dokumentationsarchiv Funk
2. Wählen Sie das Land oder die Gruppe
B, Brazil (Federative Republic of) BAH, Bahamas (Commonwealth of the) BDI, Burundi (Republic of) BEL, Belgium BEN, Benin (ex Dahomey) BFA, Burkina Faso (ex Upper Volta) BGD, Bangladesh (People's Republic of) BHR, Bahrain (Kingdom of) BIH, Bosnia and Herzegovina BLR, Belarus (Republic of) BLZ, Belize BOL, Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BOT, Botswana (Republic of) BRB, Barbados BRM, Myanmar (Union of) BRU, Brunei Darussalam BTN, Bhutan (Kingdom of) BUL, Bulgaria (Republic of)
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Bahamas (Commonwealth of the), BAH Bahrain (Kingdom of), BHR Bangladesh (People's Republic of), BGD Barbados, BRB Belarus (Republic of), BLR Belgium, BEL Belize, BLZ Benin (ex Dahomey), BEN Bhutan (Kingdom of), BTN Bolivia (Plurinational State of), BOL Bosnia and Herzegovina, BIH Botswana (Republic of), BOT Brazil (Federative Republic of), B Brunei Darussalam, BRU Bulgaria (Republic of), BUL Burkina Faso (ex Upper Volta), BFA Burundi (Republic of), BDI
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